My Daily Practice
Here’s my daily practice should it inspire your own unique practice to improve yourself and your overall life
In 2016, I wrote a version of this article on my blog at the time. I was reviewing it again and much of it still applied to my life today, but I decided to update it to align with my current thinking and practices. I hope you find it useful.
A book I’ve read and recommended to people in the past that at first seems like perhaps just another pop self-help book but I think rises above most is James Altucher’s book, The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth. In the book, Altucher describes what he refers to as his Daily Practice. At the time I first read the book, I realized that his practice and mine were somewhat similar, but not quite the same.
Today, however, my practice has morphed and diverged even more from Altucher’s than it was in the past. I believe seeing how other people navigate best through life can be informative and useful. I recommend reading Altucher’s book, but I thought I’d lay out my practice as it stands today should anyone find it useful.
One thing I’m quite clear about is that it’s risky to wholeheartedly adopt someone else’s self-improvement or productivity practice without adjusting it to your own life’s needs. Mine is a cobbling together of information and strategies from various sources along with my own spin…